Thursday, 11 April 2013


Are you looking for real reviews by customers of search engine optimization and marketing firms in Australia? Before you get started checking out what other people have to say, it's important to have a clear understanding of the terms that are involved in describing services, applications and results. A lot of this will sound familiar, as general business terms, but some of it is jargon specific to the search engine optimization sector. Before you go and see how Joe Blogs reviews you should know what he's talking about- and be able to know when someone else is getting it wrong. This way, you can make the most informed yet independent decision possible.
'SEO': refers to a combination of processes and techniques, both technical and creative, aimed at improving the way a particular website appears in applicable search engine results.
Algorithm: the mathematically based formula used by search engines to come up with precisely the right list of results, in order of value. This is constantly changed and updated according to the latest trends and user responses.
Organic/natural results: these are rankings that come up without specifically having to pay for them (down the middle of Google results pages), as opposed to the little ads and 'sponsored links' that come up at the top and on the sides.
Keyword: a single word that might be typed into a search engine by a potential customer looking for a particular thing
Key phase: a specific combination of words that produce the right result in searches by potential customers looking for a particular thing, in a particular place, at a particular time, and/or in a particular style
Analytics: free or paid programs (the most common is Google Analytics) for seeing how many people are visiting your website, how long they're spending there, and other important factors for weighing up the success of different measures and changes in real time
Ranking reports: an easy to understand report of where exactly you are ranking, how that has changed over time, and how your rankings on search engines compare to those of your competitors. This is a much easier and quicker way of checking how things are going than typing in search phrases and then looking through for your site.
ROI: Stands for 'return on investment'. This is a broad standard measure of how many dollars you are getting back in sales for each dollar that you spend on advertising and marketing. This is the most important part of any campaign, especially one that is designed to be a long term thing.

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